Why Does God Allow So Much Suffering? (Podcast)

Why Does God Allow So Much Suffering? Podcast by Pastor John MacArthur for Grace to You

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I have been assigned an easy question to answer. I don’t know how I’m going to fill the time. I’m just going to give you the answer. Why does God allow evil and suffering in the world?

This is a very, very important question. This is a question that I will tell you, on a personal level, is the single question that my friend, Larry King, always goes back to as – oh, you didn’t know about that friendship? That he always goes back to, to demonstrate why he cannot believe.

There are some agnostics, and that’s usually a word thrown around as if it were noble. But the Latin equivalent is ignoramus, just to put it in perspective. But there are some people who are agnostics simply because they don’t care to know. There are some people who are agnostics and they can give you an apologetic defense of their agnosticism. No matter what you say, they will take you through a rational series of arguments as to why they cannot believe. And with him, it is always the fact that there is so much evil in the world, how can God be good? We never get past that dilemma for him, try as we may.

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